The charge you pay on the treatment you need to keep your mouth, gums and teeth healthy.
You will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment, even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it – either Band 1, Band 2 or Band 3.
If you are not exempt from charges, you should pay one of the following charges for each treatment you receive:
Free NHS dental treatment or help with health costs
You may be eligible for help with all or part of the costs of your NHS dental treatment. To see if this applies to you, see the leaflet NHS dental services in England, which is available from any NHS dental practice or visit the NHS website at or call 0300 300 1343
For further information on NHS dental services and dental charges, see the leaflet NHS Dental Services in England or the dental services section of the NHS website (, or ask your NHS England Local Team for help.
Please ask a member of the reception team if you are unsure.